About the Leadership
Thank you for taking the time to inquire about the leadership of The Church of the Servant King (COTSK). We use a church leadership model similar to an elder board; however, we refer to it as an advisory council. We are in the process of updating the information on this page to include a brief bio of each of the council members so please feel free to check back frequently for updates. The advisory council of the COTSK is comprised of individuals who have partnered with the pastor-teacher as fiduciaries for the administrative and oversight responsibilities for the ministry of the COTSK.
Brief Bio's
Advisory Council Member: Caleb Kerr

Caleb Kerr is a native of Little Rock, Arkansas. Upon graduating from the United States Naval Academy in 1993 with a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering, he served in the U.S. Navy for 23 years retiring as a Commander.
Upon retiring from the military in 2016, he began his second career at American Woodmark Corporation as an Engineering Manager in Monticello, KY. In 2018, he was promoted to Director of Manufacturing for two kitchen cabinet manufacturing plants in Gas City, Indiana with 700 employees.
During his military career, Caleb served primarily in the submarine force, but also conducted one tour with the U.S. Army in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom. He commanded the nuclear-powered submarine, USS Bremerton (SSN-698), and also Provincial Reconstruction Team, Nuristan, Afghanistan. While in the military, he completed a M.S. degree in Engineering Management from Old Dominion University and was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal, Combat Action Ribbon and Bronze Star.
Caleb has the privilege of being married to the former Hilary Stevenson of Fernandina Beach, FL. They have conducted 15 moves during their 23-year marriage, many times across an ocean. Caleb and Hilary have two children, Henry (17) and Eli (12), who were both born in Hawaii. Caleb and his family currently reside in a suburb of Indianapolis and have been active members of The Church of the Servant King since 2013.
Advisory Council Member: Hilary Kerr
Hilary Kerr is a native of Jacksonville, Florida. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in English from The College of Charleston in 1999. She currently teaches ESL to grade school students from the Kerr’s latest city of residence, a suburb of Indianapolis. In Kentucky, Hilary was an assistant instructor in a middle school resource class where her range of students included one on the Autism Spectrum.
Hilary was active in various military spouse groups throughout the 23-year naval career of Caleb during which time she served as a budget counselor with the Navy Marine Corps Relief Society. As the spouse of a Commanding Officer, Hilary served as a mentor to the spouses of the sailors stationed aboard the submarine, USS Bremerton (SSN-698) from August 2010-July 2013. Throughout her husband’s military career, Hilary was the CEO of the daily operations in the Kerr household. She planned and executed most of their 15 moves while raising their two sons.
Hilary has been an active member of The Church of the Servant King since
Advisory Council Member: Buddy Nolley

Buddy had his undergraduate college training at the University of Texas, Austin and received a graduate DDS degree in dentistry from Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas, Texas. Buddy has lived and worked as a dentist in Dallas since graduating dental school until the present.
Buddy is a long-time member of an evangelical bible church in Dallas and has served in various ministry capacities including as an elder.
Until very recently Buddy has enjoyed golf, and is a daily active exerciser. Buddy and his wife Nancy enjoy trying to keep up with the lives of his 13 grandchildren and 4 and increasing number of great-grandchildren.
Advisory Council Member: David and Denise Love

David and Denise met while students at New Tribes Bible Institute (now Ethnos 360) in Jackson, Michigan, married in 1978 and are parents of five children and grandparents of six grandchildren.
David’s education includes a BA, Columbia International University (May ’92); ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary (May ‘94); and DMin, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Dec 2015). Denise was trained as an LPN nurse and has her BA in Intercultural Studies with New Tribes Mission. She serves as a discipleship-counselor and is a free-lance writer.
David & Denise entered the mission field in March, 1983. For eleven years they ministered in Colombia, South America and twenty-five years at Rio Grande Bible Institute, Edinburg, Texas.
Their service has included: dorm parents for 17 boys (missionary children) with New Tribes Mission in Villavicencio, Colombia; Bible Institute teacher with NTM in Fusa and radio ministry; Inductive Bible Study trainers with Precept Ministries in Bogota, Colombia; lay-counselors; church planters; youth ministry and in national leadership development.
Currently, they are missionaries with Fellowship International Mission, in Allentown, Pennsylvania on loan to Rio Grande Bible Institute, a faith mission, serving on the Texas-Mexico border where David currently serves as Academic Dean. RGBI is an accredited institution with the ABHE. It has a one, two, and four year program with 150 students from 15 Latin American countries.
Since evacuating Colombia in August 2002, the Loves have continued to develop a partnership ministry with the national pastors and missionaries they have previously trained. There are now around 20 pastors and missionaries that are associated with this ministry working in the Amazon regions of Colombia and Peru. The nationals do the work of evangelizing tribal groups. The Loves assist via mission trips to Colombia to encourage and minister to the pastors, missionaries, and believers living in their tribal villages. Recently, they are using a similar model in Central Asia.
Technology Director: Mark McGuire

Born and raised in Tulsa Oklahoma. Bachelor degree in Information Systems from Dallas Baptist University. 20+ years in software development for major corporations. Founder of the Dallas Area Institute of Business Analyst, Certified Business Analyst Professional, Scrum and SAFe certified. Currently Director of Solutions Management for AbleTo Inc,.
Mark has three children and four grandchildren. He has been married to Gloria McGuire for 43 years. Mark and Gloria are active in the Special Olympics. Mark has been a follower of Jesus since he was a child.
Pastor-Teacher: Steven J. Ellis (“Steve”)

Steve is currently pursuing a doctoral degree (DEdMin) and language courses (Hebrew and Greek) at Dallas Theological Seminary. He “retired” a bit early from a professional career in 2019 in order to devote full-time energy toward the further development of the skills and toolset needed to teach and write in Christian ministry.
Steve’s working career has included military service as an USMC officer (artillery, aerial observer, parachutist); Certified Public Accountant; and information and financial systems leader within corporate and consulting environments. That career was built upon a bachelor of arts degree from Ouachita Baptist University and a bachelor of science degree in accounting from the University of Arkansas-Little Rock.
Steve is married to Sharon M. Ellis, a native of Albuquerque, NM who is incredibly smart and a talented senior finance leader having served in that capacity within the banking industry and several corporations here in the Dallas area. Sharon received her undergraduate degree from Texas Tech University and she obtained a graduate degree from Thunderbird in Phoenix, AZ.
In the late 1990’s, Steve began a home-based Bible teaching ministry with several families and individuals under the name of the COTSK. The COTSK was established as a 501(c)3 organization under the IRS code at the time in order to insure that any funds donated would be tax deductible for the donors. Subsequent rulings and guidance by the IRS (e.g. IRS Publication 1828) have clarified the tax exempt nature of churches apart from 501(c)3 status; however, for now, the COTSK has retained the status subject to further developments related to this issue.
Also during the late 1990’s, Steve pursued and completed (2001) a Masters of Arts in Biblical Studies degree at Dallas Theological Seminary while working full-time and teaching studies via the COTSK. Teaching through the COTSK continues today largely to a dispersed virtual audience that meets over the internet using WebEx while in-person opportunities continue with other local churches and in-home situations when possible.
The team here at the COTSK has updated our website and we archived older materials which had previously been available on our website. Today, we are making our more recent series available via links to You Tube – series which were taught in 2019 to the present. We will continue to update this website with more materials and links to other resources which we hope will be helpful to you as you pursue the goal of Christian maturity in person and service.
Thank you again for your use of our website. If you have questions, please feel free to let us know.