Foundational Doctrines & Concepts
This series provides an overview of selected key foundational doctrines and concepts in theology proper, soteriology, Christology, pneumatology, and God's redemptive program in human history - just to name a few. Foundational truths are relevant no matter how long one has been a believer. They sustain us in crises throughout life and provide the framework to support every other truth we learn

Biblical Prophecy - is the shadow being cast ?
This is a series of 20 minute presentations of select passages related to biblical prophecy to include any ways in which we might see their shadow being cast today – or how the stage for their fulfillment is being set. After the 20 minute session, the floor is opened for Q&A from the audience

A Brief Exploration of the Immaterial-Spiritual Heart of Mankind
This study is a brief overview of passages and concepts vital to our ability as Christians to identify issues of the heart of mankind so that we can more effectively execute our spiritual journey in life and have redemptive impact in the lives of others. Nov 2019 to Mar 2020